About Me

I’m Shelley, and I feel I’ve reached that point in my life where I can say “I’m twentysomething” and be done with it. Because I’m totally in denial that I’m now the age of a “proper” grown up.


I recently finished three years of studying at Bible College for a degree in Applied Theology and Cross-Cultural Studies, and I graduated in November 2014. This was a crazy journey, because I firmly told God aged seventeen that I would never do a degree and, if I did, there was no way it would be in Theology. Looks like God had other plans.

My love for the poor and for mission came out of a love for Jesus and a prayer that He would break my heart for what breaks His. I’m desperately praying that God will carry this on by allowing me to see some {more} of the places that have already captured (and broken) my heart.

In February 2014, I had the opportunity to travel to India to spend five weeks working with a charity called Frishta, which is an orphanage set up by Elim missionaries. Frishta now supports over 40 children by providing them with a home, an education, food, loving house parents and a safe place to grow and develop.

In November 2014, I travelled to Kenya with Compassion UK to see the work they are doing among the children in poverty. I also had the opportunity to meet my sponsored child, eighteen year old Dorcus!


Throughout this journey, I’m learning to find joy in the ordinary.

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